Awesome! Easy, quick, fast. Good instructions in the Help.
Make your PDF. Drag and drop. Enter fax #. Hit go, pay via PayPal. Check inbox for final confirmation that fax was successful. Great! Simple. Fast. Easy. :-)
And its all so Mac-like. Highlight the text of the fax #, drag that to the app -- done! From the Finder, drag the file to app -- done!
Hit "pay&send", log in to PayPal, say "Pay Now" -- done! (Be certain to -login- to PayPal and say "Pay" before asserting that youve paid and are ready to send.)
This app is so cool. Been using this for years. Yay!
I agree with the maker, and echo David: "the best way to send a fax without a machine”; Thanks for making my one fax a year so painless! —DAVID
BobK77 about