Pay by fax is nice. Confirmation would be welcomed
I rarely send faxes (faxes are sooo 1980s/1990s) and keep hoping electronic documents will finally kill off the fax.
But that hasn’t happened yet.
So, it is very nice to have a fax app that:
1. Let’s you pay per fax (rather than a monthly subscription)
2. Let’s you send faxes over the Internet (rather than over phone lines).
This service is reasonably priced for the market niche it fills.
Places where the product could be improved (none mission critical, all just niceties) are:
1. Let me attach multiple .pdf files rather than making me recombine them all into one .pdf document
2. Please offer (not require) to send me an email copy of the fax I sent that includes: date, time, fax number, confirmation of successful transmission (or not), and content image.
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